
2016年1月19日 星期二

【GS3】Sweet Voice 彼の部屋:設楽 聖司

Sweet Voice His Room: Shitara Seiji
Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 3 Premium Drama CD Track 08
English Translation

“Hm? Oh, is it that time already?”


“Okay. I’ll have them get the car ready, so wait here.”


*picks up intercom phone*

*puts it back on the hook*

*walks back toward Bambi*


*continues walking*

“If I call now, the car will be ready right away. Our driver is very professional like that.”

*still walking*


*walking closer*

*hugs Bambi*

*whispers in her ear* “I’m saying that I’m not letting you go home yet. Got it?”

*still hugging* “Shut up.”

*whispers in Bambi’s ear* “Is that wrong of me? I want to spoil you.”


“You’re so warm…and soft…that I feel relaxed [when I hold you].”

“Just a little [longer]. If we separate now, we’ll have to start recharging(1) all over again.”



“If you feel like it, you should recharge too. I’ll let you do it whenever you want.”


“All right. Charge complete.”

*switches to left side*

“Only half of it anyway.”

*whispers in ear* “Next is this side.”

*irritated sigh*

*pulls back*

“Stupid, don’t laugh. You do it too.”

“Put your arms here.” *drapes Bambi’s arms around him*

“Put your head here.” *rests Bambi’s head on his shoulder*

“This is much better. We have to do it like this or we’ll never finish recharging today.”

*pulls Bambi closer*

*whispers in ear* “Closer.”


“Yeah, that’s right.”


“For now, it seems like it’ll be a while before the driver has any work to do.”

*kisses Bambi*

(1) He literally says charging (as in electronics). I assume he’s just being cute here by saying that holding you is his way of getting energy <3

source: http://the-fury-is-ours.tumblr.com/post/52126824815/sweet-voice-%E5%BD%BC%E3%81%AE%E9%83%A8%E5%B1%8B%E8%A8%AD%E6%A5%BD%E8%81%96%E5%8F%B8-translation

